Comment 1S1 Re: Browser, Run/Command Line, Applications


Where do you get your desktop artwork?


Browser, Run/Command Line, Applications (Score: 1, Interesting)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-05-19 19:05 (#1RF)

I really never see the desktop. Who does?

On a phone or tablet I end up returning to a home screen with cute animated wallpaper for fun and to pick the next "app". But it's completely unnecessary to make that intermediate stop on a real computer.

Re: Browser, Run/Command Line, Applications (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-05-20 05:24 (#1S1)

Well, I _do_ make that stop. Plenty of programs I open and never think to close until I have to minimize 35 other windows in front of vlc playing an annoying chiptune. _I_ also like to take a breather and look at a nice image instead of twelve _terminals_ of code.

IDEs are for the weak.

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