Tuesday's security advisories
Arch Linux has updated hostapd (two vulnerabilities) and systemd (denial of service).
CentOS has updated thunderbird (C7; C6; C5: code execution).
Debian has updated libdbd-mysql-perl (denial of service).
Fedora has updated bind99 (F24:denial of service), mariadb (F23: SQLinjection/privilege escalation), and mongodb (F23: information disclosure).
Mageia has updated bind (denial of service), chromium-browser-stable (multiple vulnerabilities), freerdp (denial of service), libcryptopp (information disclosure), and python-django (cross-site request forgery).
openSUSE has updated chromium (Leap42.1, 13.2; SPH for SLE12: multiplevulnerabilities), glibc (13.2: denial ofservice), and php5 (13.2: multiple vulnerabilities).
Oracle has updated thunderbird (OL7; OL6: codeexecution).
Red Hat has updated thunderbird(RHEL5,6,7: code execution).
SUSE has updated firefox (SLE12-SP1; SLE11-SP2: multiple vulnerabilities).