Bad luck ruins Oregonian snowmobile for weed swap
Oregonian Jason Owens wanted a snowmobile and had a little over a pound and a half of marijuana. Craigslist seems the obvious path to success, right? Sadly, the craigslist seller Mr. Owens contacted was a cop.
Recreational marijuana is legal in Oregon, but must be sold, especially in these amounts, via a dispensary. Mr. Owens was charged with adult possession of marijuana, adult delivery of marijuana and driving with a suspended license.
Via KIRO7 Seattle:
A 29-year-old man was cited after trying to buy a snowmobile with marijuana over the weekend, Oregon State Police said.
Troopers said last week, Jason Owen contacted the owner of a snowmobile on Craigslist and asked if the owner would consider a pound of marijuana in trade for the vehicle.
The owner of the snowmobile was an Oregon State Trooper out of the Salem Area Command.
On Saturday, the trooper agreed to meet with Owen and discuss the trade at a gas station.
Several patrol vehicles initiated a traffic stop and the trooper identified himself and told Owen he was committing a crime.