Pipe 1YYY2 Google gets silly with account recovery questions

Google gets silly with account recovery questions

Anonymous Coward
in google on (#1YYY2)
Today I attempted to login to an old Google account for which I haven't used in two months. I had the correct account name and password. Instead of logging in and showing my email I saw this error message: "Google couldn't verify it's you, so you can't sign in to this account right now.". Great. Thanks Google. That is the same amount of security I expect from ripping the ethernet cable out of a server: Perfect security, absolutely useless. Thinking that this is a mix up of some sort I go for the account recovery option. Why, I don't know since I logged into my account with the correct username and password. Username? Check. Password? Check. Can we send an email to this ancient address from 15 years ago? No. Try a security question. Security question? Check. "When did you create this Google Account?" What. The. F. Seriously? This account is over a decade old. It is nearing two decades now. Does anyone remember the month and year they created an account from back in the 90's? Why even ask this? Has Google lost the plot on account security? How silly. Asking for the date and year an account was created.
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  • Closed (just a rant)
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