Paperless receipts not such a smart idea | Letters
I am concerned about the planned move towards paperless receipts (Tesco to trial paperless receipts on smartphone, 26 October). There are still shoppers who do not have, and perhaps do not want, a "smart" phone. The most important function of a paper receipt provided at the till is that it proves the customer has paid. This is doubly important given that large supermarket chains can ban from their stores anyone they believe has left without paying. If, as/after I leave a shop without a paper receipt, the shop makes a mistake and accuses me of shoplifting, how do I prove that I did pay? I have never been in this position, but always ask for a receipt as proof. This also means that if I then go into another shop selling the same item I can prove I bought it elsewhere, a situation I have encountered.
Jennifer Joseph
Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire
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