Comment 225 We are being bred for slavery


Google buys satellite imaging company Skybox for $500 million


We are being bred for slavery (Score: -1, Troll)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-06-11 23:22 (#225)

They are dismantling the sleeping middle class. More and more people are becoming poor. We are their cattle. We are being bred for slavery.

They are dismantling the sleeping middle class. More and more people are becoming poor. We are their cattle. We are being bred for slavery.

They are dismantling the sleeping middle class. More and more people are becoming poor. We are their cattle. We are being bred for slavery.


Time Reason Points Voter
2014-06-12 02:18 Troll -1

Junk Status

Marked as [Not Junk] by on 2015-01-04 00:16