RSC Tornado Breaks Record with 1.41 Petaflops per Rack
Today Russia's RSC Group announced that the company has achieved a record compute density of 1.41 Pflops per rack using direct liquid cooling and Intel Xeon Phi processors. "RSC supported the TUM student team from Munich with 8 nodes mobile cluster based on RSC Tornado direct liquid cooled architecture. This computing system provided stable operation of computing nodes in "hot water" mode at +63 D cooling agent temperature at node inputs and had the following configuration: 72-cores Intel Xeon Phi 7290 processors, Intel S7200AP server boards, Intel SSD DC S3500 Series M.2 340 GB solid-state drives, switch and adapters based on Intel Omni-Path high-speed fabric, highly efficient Micron DDR4-2400 VLP 16-32 GB memory modules."
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