Comment 2A4 Re: Where you start depends on where you want to end


Programming languages: where to begin?


Where you start depends on where you want to end (Score: 2, Insightful)

by on 2014-06-30 18:43 (#29X)

The only time I would recommend starting with JavaScript is if that's all you ever want to do - write (crappy) JS code for web pages.

If you want to learn to program, then I'd recommend starting with something simple and then adding to it. I started my college education with Pascal, and I can't think of a reason that was a bad choice then, or would be now. But very soon thereafter I did some of:
* C
* Prolog
* lisp
* Assembly (68000)

These days I would probably recommend starting with something like pascal - simple, no (c style) pointers, no OO. And then
* C (understand the machine)
* Maybe some assembly - but maybe not
* Something OO (Java, python, ruby)
* Something crazy (Prolog)
* Something DI (maybe javascript)

You could do a lot worse than once you have the fundamentals.

Re: Where you start depends on where you want to end (Score: 1)

by on 2014-06-30 23:57 (#2A4)

I'd read many complaints about ADA, but I started taking a tutorial recently and found much of it made more sense to me, in-terms of structure and how everything must be clearly and extensively defined. I also found open source compilers easy to find for my Windows and OpenBSD (gcc) platforms.

What had spurred me (besides my fathers taunt that ADA would make me pull my hair out) was first, an article i read* from an informal study of programming students progression as observed by the teachers - they found that students who learned ADA first rather than later, had a higher likelihood of succeeding in subsequent classes, and better practices and understanding of what they are writing. Second, the realization that ADA is still widely used in critical applications; isn't going anywhere; and its always good to know the odd language or skill, that nobody else is 'interested' in (ie: not cool)

Out of practicality, I am back to learning C for the time being, but next on my list-to-learn GNAT GPL, and GNAT GPS (multiplatform IDE)
*i'll try to find the article, i hope i didn't butcher the jist too much

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