Comment 2D6 So what was the deal?

Story comes back as a .org


So what was the deal? (Score: 1)

by on 2014-07-09 18:11 (#2D6)

Wondering what happened? Offhand, I'm imagining:
  1. guy forgot to renew his domain name
  2. Doteasy stopped it, canceled it, whatever
  3. Guy tries to get the name back
  4. Doteasy requires some ridiculous, expensive "reactivation" process
  5. Guy decides, fuck it, I'll just buy the DotOrg and be done with it.
I used Doteasy back in the day. Free Hosting (OK, but you pay like $25/yr for the domain name, so that's where they're making their money). It was no hassles. Pleasantly surprised to see a site i read fairly regularly was also housed at the same provider. Granted, I never used whois/dig to check it out.

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