Diner "overwhelmed with customers" after Michelin star awarded by mistake
Le Bouche i Oreille is a perfectly decent working class diner in Bourges that'll feed you a slap-up meal for a10. La Bouche i Oreille, though, is a brilliant a48-course restaurant in Paris. Only one of them should have been awarded a Michelin star, but don't tell that to the posh sorts descending en masse upon an overwhelmed greasy spoon.
The Michelin Guide apologised, saying it had confused the cafi(C) with a more refined establishment of the same name near Paris. The listing was changed on its website, but not until two days later.
Vi(C)ronique Jacquet, who runs the cafi(C), said it had a regular clientile of local tradesmen. "Suddenly, we were rushed off our feet. Reporters were coming in and then my son phoned me from Paris, where he lives. He almost died laughing."
Three cheers for the diner's chef, Penelope Salmon: "I put my heart into my cooking."