Article 2GS2W Community Worldbuilding Stream #4: Sunday March 26 and New Stream Schedule

Community Worldbuilding Stream #4: Sunday March 26 and New Stream Schedule

Aaron Lupton
from Will Save World for Gold on (#2GS2W)

The next Community Worldbuilding Stream is coming up this weekend. We'll be picking up where last week left off, going through the Monster Manual one entry at a time and figuring out where each creature belongs in this mecha-oriented setting. Should be a lot of fun.

Also, I'm trying out a new streaming schedule. I'll continue to stream alternating Saturday and Sunday afternoons as I have been, but I'll also be streaming every Friday evening starting around 7 or 8 PM EST. The Friday streams will exclusively be a hangout stream with me playing some of my favourite video games. The weekend streams will be for drawing comics and Patreon requests (and probably also video games if I get enough work done to not feel bad about it). If you've never watched me stream before, make sure to check it out.


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