Comment 2M5 Re: Articles, not questions


Windows 9 leak shows return of start menu. But is it enough?


Articles, not questions (Score: 3, Interesting)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-07-21 14:13 (#2KQ)

Editors, please don't fall into the trap of adding questions to articles. The questions always show a bias, this "But is this enough to woo people off of Windows 7 and get them to move to Windows 9?" is definitely a bias. Comments would have gone there anyway. If they didn't go there then the question would have been irrelevant.

Please keep the articles objective and leave the bias to the comments.

Re: Articles, not questions (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-07-22 02:22 (#2M5)

How the hell is it subjective? What are you going on about? Businesses HAVE summarily rejected Win8 and it IS a big question as to whether Win9 will win them back.

No bias at all. You're being an ass. Phil is that you again?

And this is coming from me who answered No! in the very first post. The question was easy and a little lazy, but not even in the neighborhood of biased. You're just being a dick.

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