Pipe 2TDC Breaking up online

Breaking up online

Anonymous Coward
in internet on (#2TDC)
In ages past your options for breaking a relationship were limited. Ignore them forever. Letter through the post. Relayed message through a friend. In person. Brick through their window. In the age of mobile phones we break up, get back together or just plain have it out over SMS.http://instagram.com/textsfromyourex has a collection of post breakup messages that in years gone by would be forgotten. These days it is all captured for perpetuity.
score -3
  • Closed (Off-topic and voted down)
Reply 1 comments

Fun site but off-topic (Score: 1)

by zafiro17@pipedot.org on 2014-10-16 11:26 (#2TDM)

Doesn't seem techie enough.