How to stop political lawn signs from being removed: coat with glitter and vaseline
The Nation reports that people who try to steal yard signs for Democratic Congress candidate Jon Ossoff find themselves being covered in a mixture of glitter and vaseline. The sign-takers started to burn the signs instead, so the sign-owners attached American flags to the signs.
Then there's the women-led Pave It Blue, which is more Yippie than yuppie (though not many are old enough to know what that means). They describe themselves as "ninjas." They dress up like dinosours and make Ossoff signs that "glitter bomb" (the signs are bordered in Vaseline with clear glitter, so people who attempt to remove them find themselves coated in Vaseline and glitter). It's a brilliantly defensive move: Sign removal has been a problem in this traditionally red district. And when their Ossoff signs began being set on fire, they started attaching American flags to them, since conservatives believe flag-burning should be illegal.
As one Twitter user commented: "The flag things reminds me of Fumi-e. To keep Christians out of Japan, people disembarking ships would have to step on religious images."
Image: frankieleon