Security updates for Monday
Security updates have been issued by Debian (bind9, jetty, mpg123, phpldapadmin, sqlite3, and xorg-server), Fedora (bind, bind99, dhcp, drupal7, GraphicsMagick, httpd, irssi, jetty, jetty-alpn, jetty-test-helper, libdb, libgcrypt, mosquitto, ocaml, pius, qt5-qtwebkit, tomcat, xen, and zabbix), Gentoo (feh, gajim, game-music-emu, jasper, libcroco, libsndfile, man-db, nm-applet, openslp, phpmyadmin, roundcube, virglrenderer, and vlc), openSUSE (irssi, kernel, libgcrypt, and xen), Slackware (irssi and php), and Ubuntu (poppler).