Two people drowned in river baptisms
Two adult men drowned during their baptisms in the Ungwasi River in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania in Africa.
"Following the incident, we have agreed on some measures that will ensure the safety of our followers during baptism in the rivers," Victory Christian Center pastor Samuel Kamigwa was quoted as saying.
From Religion News:
Kamigwa said churches were considering increasing the number of ministers at one baptism event. They would also baptize one person at a time, while others are kept at a safe distance, and will choose a time when the water is calm enough for the ritual....
Last year, six children died in Zimbabwe's eastern province of Mashonaland during an early morning baptism in a stream by a self-styled prophetess.
And in January 2015, two elderly Pentecostal church pastors drowned in Mutshedzi River in Limpopo Province of South Africa, where they had gone to baptize four junior church members.