Pipe 2XJ Xbox password flaw exposed by five year old boy

Xbox password flaw exposed by five year old boy

in games on (#2XJ)
Microsoft proves its security team is still top notch. Turns out, the backdoor password was a series of spaces.
Kristoffer discovered that if he simply pressed the space bar to fill up the password field, the system would let him in to his dad's account.
Sounds like the Windows 98 network login dialog - the one where you just press "Cancel" and it lets you log into the desktop, networking still enabled.


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2014-04-04 18:54
Xbox password flaw exposed by five year old boy
Microsoft proves its security team is still top notch. Turns out, the backdoor password was a series of spaces.
Kristoffer discovered that if he simply pressed the space bar to fill up the password field, the system would let him in to his dad's account.
Sounds like the Windows 98 network login dialog - the one where you just press "Cancel" and it lets you log into the desktop, networking still enabled.
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