Reliable recipe for DIY ferrofluid
by Rob Beschizza from on (#2YPVB)

Braniac75, after trying and failing to replicate the various online recipes for DIY ferrofluid (the consumer stuff is $200+ a liter), figured it out: 1 part iron oxide powder, 1 part "clinging" synthetic motor oil, a stirring stick, and a dangerously powerful magnet to risk your fingers with: "it really is that easy."
The result is more of a paste than a liquid, but it works!
Wanna try ferrofluid yourself but don't want to pay the premium price? In this video I show you how to make your own very easily and cheaply!I couldn't get the common DIY recipes found online to work well but in desperation found another way through my own experiments. I call it ferripaste since it isn't as fluid as the commercial stuff - but that only makes it even more interesting to play with. It will behave in a more varying ways to a magnet than just spikes like the ferrofluid.Hope you can use it to make you own amazing ferripaste experiments :)