Security updates for Monday
Security updates have been issued by Debian (augeas, connman, fontforge, freeradius, git, mariadb-10.1, openjdk-7, php5, qemu, qemu-kvm, and tenshi), Fedora (augeas, libsndfile, thunderbird, and xen), Gentoo (AutoTrace and jbig2dec), Mageia (dbus, flash-player-plugin, groovy, groovy18, heimdal, kernel-linus, kmail(kdepimlibs4), libice, libmodplug, miniupnpc, and postgresql9.3/4/6), openSUSE (freeradius-server, gnome-shell, ImageMagick, and openvswitch), and SUSE (java-1_8_0-ibm, libzypp, and postgresql94).