The Refrigerator Unexpectedly Showed Dick Doodles and Streaming Porn to a Visitor
In the Internet of Shit, Grosseries Department, a colleague and friend of this reporter who requested anonymity for themselves and their client relayed a story of a Samsung fridge that had a distinct odor about it - not of rotten food, but of a subverted Internet-connected Family Hub.
Samsung envisioned this $3,200 refrigerator as a kind of dashboard for families - even though every individual might have their own devices - that could share information, calendars, notes, and drawings, and surf the Web. This is part of the practice of turning a family into a kind of little corporation.
What Samsung may not have thought of is how to advise people setting up the Family Hub in a shared area. In which many unrelated people pass through. At different times of the day. Without anyone else being there.
My friend, who dealt with the clean-up, says that it might have been construction workers or other folks who were responsible, but somebody - somebody! - drew dicks all over virtual sticky notes across all the swipe-through screens. This was discovered when the organization's head toured a visitor through the office, and wanted to show off a streaming feature on the Samsung fridge. My friend writes:
The head finally gets past the dicks, brings up the browser, and it starts streaming high-definition porn from a Web site.
My colleague didn't see the dicks, which were deleted by the time they arrived, but they did see the porn history. Their solution, after looking into proxies, content-filtering, and other options was to enable parental controls.
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This isn't the first case of fridge porn, though that term usually refers to excessively overfeatured expensive hulking stainless-steel fronted masterpieces of modern consumerism. Last October, a visitor to Home Depot posted a photo of visiting PornHub on a Samsung Family Hub browser, though you'd think the store would have parentally controlled that fridge to avoid just such a possibility.
In a normal household setting, it might be easier to track down whether little Tommy drew the sticky-note penises and was surfing the Web while fondling cucumbers and radishes in the crisper drawer; less so in these uncontrolled environments.
Previously: Pornhub on a refrigerator in Home Depot