Map of separatist support in Europe
"What does this map show?" - it shows the support for separatist movements that I could find data for in Europe
"How did you get these figures" - I made an average (usually three) of opinion polls which I will post below as part of my source. For some states I could only find 1 or 2 sources; Brittany (2), Galicia (1) and Republika Srpska (1)
"Why do you not have figures for Flanders, Lombardy etc." - Belgium was a very messy collection of statisticswith no clear direction as to what the general support for partition or independence were.
"But 90%+ of Catalonians just voted for independence?!" - please don't attack me for this as I merely made an average (as stated above) of the three most recent polls which averaged out to 44% in support of independence.
"What about an Independent Northern Ireland" - since it was a higher figure, I used support for a United Ireland. But otherwise if anyone is curious support for an independent Northern Ireland is around 5-7%.
"Are there any overseas territories of EU states with data?" - Yes. New Caledonia plans on holding an independence referendum next year (an official, legally binding one) and support appears to be around a quarter 1