A Dramatic Animated Short Film About Dinosaurs Drawn and Told by a 4-Year-Old Boy
Dinosaur is a dramatic animated short film drawn and told by a 4-year-old boy, Nathan Mezquida, and animated by his father Allen Mezquida. Nathan did an amazing job of telling a story about dinosaurs with lots of facts and enthusiasm.
This is an animated dinosaur drama drawn and told by my four year old son. I was so inspired by his drawings, that I offered to animate them. Nathan spends hours drawing every day, mostly dinosaurs. He also loves watching BBC documentaries about dinosaurs. Next thing I knew, we were working on this short film together. Nathan was very clear about the story he wanted to tell and how he wanted it to look. He said he wanted it to be very real, "never cartoony." I did my best to stay true to his vision.
submitted via Laughing Squid Tips