A Trio of Musicians Brilliantly Recreate the Function of a Electronic Delay Pedal Using Acoustic Guitars
The incredibly talented and very creative musician Rob Scallon and fellow guitarists Jeff Linville and Dave Dunsire brilliantly performed an acoustic recreation of Scallon's song "Rain", which is normally performed solo using a delay pedal. The trio struggled a bit at first, but after 59 takes, they hit it perfectly. The session was recorded by Vincent M. Ippolito of Swift Road Studios inside a handball court at the Lattof YMCA in Des Plaines, Illinois, where Scallon used to work.
3 acoustic guitars, a handball court and no effects allowed.
Reverb. pic.twitter.com/3gZTXLRObP
- Rob Scallon (@RobScallon) February 23, 2018
Scallon graciously shared the outtakes from this experiment.
In between takes, the trio had the opportunity to jam together for a little bit.
Scallon(and his cat) also offered a helpful video lesson showing how to play the song.