Article 3JNE4 Gove tells Tory MPs to 'keep eyes on prize' in row over fishing waters

Gove tells Tory MPs to 'keep eyes on prize' in row over fishing waters

Jessica Elgot and Anushka Asthana
from on (#3JNE4)

Environment secretary says UK control of fishing waters delayed, not abandoned, by Brexit deal

Michael Gove has attempted to reassure Conservatives angry about Britain conceding on fisheries during the Brexit transition by urging them to keep their "eyes on the prize".

The environment secretary said he understood the fishing industry's grave disappointment at Theresa May's agreement that would effectively keep the UK inside the common fisheries policy (CFP) until 2020, but without the same level of influence. However, he argued in parliament that the implementation period was a necessary step on the path to the ultimate goal.

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