One year of postmarketOS
Here's adetailed update from the postmarketOS project on its first year.PostmarketOS is building an Android distribution aimed at keeping olderdevices working in a supported mode; much of this work involves gettingmainline kernels working on various handsets."You might remember @bshah's photo of the Nexus 5 running mainlinewith a flipped and distorted screen from December. @flto continued hiswork: the display works without problems now. But it gets even better: thetouch screen is working, 3D acceleration is enabled with the open sourcefreedreno userspace driver, Wi-Fi works, and the best part is that@MartijnBraam was able to send SMS and initialize a call via command lineas well as getting the connectivity signal from the modem through oFonodisplayed in Plasma Mobile (#1502). All of that without proprietaryuserspace blobs!"