Net neutrality is only the beginning of an open internet
US regulators are voting on whether to enshrine the openness of the internet, and the outcome is likely to influence policy worldwide
Net neutrality is the principle of making sure that your internet service provider doesn't make it easier for you to access one service over another - the Guardian over the Telegraph, say - or otherwise distorting your use of internet services just because someone dropped a few extra quid in their pocket.
Yet in many ways, the current battle over net neutrality is less a question of broad, public-interest internet values, and more a parochial telecommunications policy war between US cable and content companies, waged on a global stage.
The internet is not unlimited
Related: Net neutrality battle pitches activists and FCC against Big Cable and GOP
Related: Cord cutters on net neutrality: 'It would be the end of wild wild west of the internet'
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