Article 3XTZ8 Peanut and Barry by a Real Artist

Peanut and Barry by a Real Artist

Aaron Lupton
from Will Save World for Gold on (#3XTZ8)

You remember that stream I was on a while back where Olga Drebas was working on a drawing of Peanut and Barry? Well here, at last, is the final piece, looking like it was ripped directly from the pages of the Monster Manual:


Olga was really great to work with, and she wanted to put a bunch of references into the drawing. If you look closely you might notice"
"Peanut wearing the clothes he had when Barry was with him, rather than his current robes.
"the letters BB on the tankards, which were stolen from the Boot & Buttocks.
"the Amulet of Conquest, which both Peanut and Barry used.
"Barry's hat, which Peanut stole from a demon clown.
"a bottle of universal solvent.
"absolutely zero squirrels. We're never, ever doing that squirrel quest. Stop asking about it.

You should check out some of Olga's other work as well, it's all amazing quality stuff.


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