Local news celebrates Mickey Rourke and Axl Rose's 50th wedding anniversary
An unidentified local news station celebrated the 50th wedding anniversary of couple "Max and Geraldine Bailey" during a "Birthdays & Anniversaries" segment, except that they showed a picture of actor Mickey Rourke and Guns N' Roses' Axl Rose instead.
Twitter user @KatlynNoelle88 caught the prank on camera:
WHO DID THIS?!?! pic.twitter.com/DW3tTMbtDs
- Katlyn (@KatlynNoelle88) December 21, 2018
That photo of Rourke and Rose was taken at a boxing match in Los Angeles earlier this month and garnered reactions like these:
No, these are not two retired school teachers waiting for their grandkids dance recital to begin while their husbands find parking.
This is Mickey Rourke and Axl Rose at a boxing match in LA over the weekend. pic.twitter.com/1cooQ4Fed9
- John Cardillo (@johncardillo) December 11, 2018
Mickey Rourke and Axl Rose look Katie Hopkins and Mama Fratelli from the Goonies pic.twitter.com/UIWuNDTem4
- Jesse Cooper (@JesseRCooper) December 13, 2018
Mickey Rourke and Axl Rose look like your Aunt and Uncle from Texas just showed up for Christmas dinner. pic.twitter.com/ShtwKiHSAU
- VisuallyBetter (@Isuckatpicking) December 11, 2018
screenshot via KatlynNoelle88