Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) released
Ubuntu 19.04, code named "Disco Dingo", has been released, along with the following flavors: Ubuntu Budgie, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu Kylin, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Studio, and Xubuntu."The Ubuntu kernel has been updated to the 5.0 based Linux kernel,our default toolchain has moved to gcc 8.3 with glibc 2.29, and we'vealso updated to openssl 1.1.1b and gnutls 3.6.5 with TLS1.3 support.Ubuntu Desktop 19.04 introduces GNOME 3.32 with increased performance,smoother startup animations, quicker icon load times and reduced CPU+GPUload. Fractional scaling for HiDPI screens is now available in Xorgand Wayland.Ubuntu Server 19.04 integrates recent innovations from key openinfrastructure projects like OpenStack Stein, Kubernetes, and Ceph withadvanced life-cycle management for multi-cloud and on-prem operations,from bare metal, VMware and OpenStack to every major public cloud." More information can be found in the release notes.