Bargain basement: a GTX 1660 card and an Intel 660p 1 TB SSD for $290 and more
Greetings, folks! After half a dozen sessions with a physical therapist and a few chiropractor adjustments, my back and shoulder have seen massive improvements. This whole deal left me with two big pieces of advice for those who, like me, have work patterns that require a long time sitting down or doing repetitive motions. The first one is: stretch, stretch, stretch. The importance of those exercises can't be understated, especially as time moves on and you're not 18 and stop being able to heal with a night's rest and a beer. The second bit of advice is also simple: if you feel that something's not quite kosher with your back or limbs, don't hold on for very long in hopes that it'll improve-chances are you're just making a bad situation worse. Anyway, here are today's PC hardware deals. It's a good crop, if I may say so.