Security updates for Monday
Security updates have been issued by Debian (atftp, ghostscript, openjdk-7, and postgresql-9.4), Fedora (java-11-openjdk, mosquitto, and php), Mageia (bash, binutils, clamav, cronie, jasper, kernel, mxml, openexr, openssh, python, qt4, svgsalamander, sysstat, tar, and tcpreplay), openSUSE (openssl, python3, sqlite3, webkit2gtk3, and wireshark), Red Hat (bind, flatpak, freeradius:3.0, java-1.8.0-openjdk, python-jinja2, rh-ror42-rubygem-actionpack, rh-ror50-rubygem-actionpack, rh-ruby23-ruby, rh-ruby24-ruby, rh-ruby25-ruby, and thunderbird), SUSE (389-ds, bzip2, ImageMagick, jakarta-commons-fileupload, java-1_8_0-openjdk, pacemaker, python-Django1, samba, and sqlite3), and Ubuntu (postgresql-10, postgresql-11, postgresql-9.5).