Fish Tales: I watercooled my Vive
Scott was right. Beat Saber is awesome. My story starts last year at the TR BBQ. It was the Friday night before the BBQ and the early gerbils had gathered for the traditional pre-BBQ pizza dinner. Scott was frenziedly detailing mechanical keyboard switch lubrication philosophies, but at some point during his gesticulated raving he passed along a recommendation: "You should really try Beat Saber, it's awesome." The timing wasn't ideal; I had just moved my PC into our basement, postponing the use of VR in our household until it emptied out a bit.
Fast forward almost exactly one year. Our youngest had doubled in age and something resembling normality appeared to be within our reach. Time exists again. We decided to have some friends, who would definitely appreciate the Vive being up and running, over. So, with the space already cleared, I took about 20 minutes and set ...