Article 4J3MD A Short Hiatus (June 28 – July 7)

A Short Hiatus (June 28 – July 7)

Aaron Lupton
from Will Save World for Gold on (#4J3MD)

I'm going to take a week off from updating in between chapters in order to prepare properly for the next one. In many ways, the entire comic has been leading towards the events that are now right around the corner, and I want to make sure I do it justice. The last time I took a break like this was for the Ardon/Fortyfive fight, so read into that what you will.

Regular updates will resume on July 8th. While you're waiting, this would be a great time to do an archive binge. I've also been posting more art and D&D 5e content on my Patreon lately so check that out if you haven't recently.

Thank you for your patience. I'll see you here in a week!


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