Hong Kong's General Strike on Monday will include workers from Hong Kong Disneyland
From a long thread documenting which workers are prepared to walk out on Monday for the general strike in support of the pro-independence movement: the news that Hong Kong Disneyland workers organized by the Hong Kong Disneyland Trade Union will be among the strikers.
Who's the leader of the cult of personality?
M-A-O T-S-E dash T-U-N-G
Mao Tse-Tung!
Mu Sho Chi!
Mao Tse-Tung!
Cho En-Lai!
Forever let us hold our banners high! High! High!
Come along and sing the song
And join the bureaucracy
M-A-O T-S-E dash T-U-N-G!
Hong Kong Disneyland cast members are going on a strike on Monday https://t.co/cYoYAPojvH
- Yenni Kwok (@yennikwok) August 3, 2019
(Image: Arun, CC BY-SA, modified; @maree_jun)
Lots of protests planned in #HongKong. Some photos from today's rallies with participants holding #ae's cartoon posters showing #a(R)aeaeae (protecting the future). #HongKongProtests pic.twitter.com/wHqIg6s2wX
- Maree Ma (@maree_jun) August 3, 2019