Master / Apprentice relationship graph in Star Wars
by John from John D. Cook on (#4X0TV)
Here's a graph of master / apprentice relationships for Jedi and Sith in the Star Wars movies. It's not exhaustive, but it covers the main relationships in Episodes I through VI.
Here's what you get if you add a dashed arrow for who killed whom.
Here's the dot (GraphVis) code that created the diagrams.
digraph G { Vader [label="Anakin Skywalker/\nDarth Vader"]; Dooku [label="Dooku/\nDarth Tyranus"]; Luke [label="Luke Skywalker"]; Ben [label="Obi-Wan Kenobi"]; Liam [label="Qui-Gon Jinn"]; DS [label="Palpatine/\nDarth Sidious"] DP [label="Darth Plagueis"]; DM [label="Darth Maul"]; Yoda -> Dooku; Yoda -> Luke; Dooku -> Liam; Liam -> Ben; Liam -> Vader; Ben -> Vader; Ben -> Luke; DS -> Dooku; DS -> Vader; DP -> DS; DS -> DM; Vader -> DS [style=dashed]; Vader -> Dooku [style=dashed]; Vader -> Ben [style=dashed]; Ben -> DM [style=dashed]; DM -> Liam [style=dashed]; DS -> DP [style=dashed];}Related posts