Glossary: Chinese futurist military jargon
Via Bruce Sterling, the Chinese characters for "specific ethnic genetic attacks," "combat brain," "winning without fighting" and more.
"biological dominance" (ac"aef)
biological interdisciplinary (c"c(C)aa)
brain control (eae)
"brain-machine fusion" (eaeea)
Cognitive Science Basic Research Team (e(R)ccaacc"c(C)ae)
"combat brain" (aaeae)
domain of consciousness (aeea)
frontier/cutting-edge interdisciplinary (aae^2aa)
"hybrid intelligence" (aeaaeTMef)
human-machine coordination (aaeaa)
"human performance enhancement technologies" (aaeefaa1/4aeae)
"informatization" (aaea-).information operations (aaeaae)
"intelligence dominance" (aaeTMaef).intelligent autonomy (aeTMefea)
"intelligentized" (aeTMefa-)
"keep pace with the times" (aae-ae)
key points of struggle (aaefaac^1)
"mental/cognitive dominance" (aeaef)
military cognitive capabilities (aae(R)cefa)
multi-domain integration (aaaa)
National Innovation Institute for Defense Technology (ae^2caeaae-c"c(C)eTM)
"specific ethnic genetic attacks" (c^1a(R)cae-aaae"a)
"strategic commanding heights" (aec^1)
War for Biological Dominance (ac"aefaea)
"winning without fighting" (aaeeaaa^1a...)