After coronavirus, focus on the climate emergency | Letters
Signatories including Dr Wolfgang Knorr say it is game over for preventing dangerous climate change, Colin Hines says a green infrastructure should be prioritised in a post-Covid-19 world, and Andy Radford on why we should consider permanent changes to the way we live
Last month, the Guardian quoted Fatih Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency, saying if we put post-pandemic bailout money in the wrong place we will lock ourselves in a dirtier energy system, making it much more difficult to reach our climate targets" (Coronavirus profiteers' condemned as polluters gain bailout billions, 17 April).
We beg to differ. It is game over for preventing dangerous climate change now that governments are planning the cheapest and quickest return to consumption. Riding on the wave of cheap oil and fossil-fuel bailouts is incompatible with keeping the average global temperature rise below 2C, let alone 1.5C.
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