Article 55TJF Report: NFL proposes $40M cut to team spending, Aug. 1 opt-out for players

Report: NFL proposes $40M cut to team spending, Aug. 1 opt-out for players

Michael McClymont
from on (#55TJF)

In its latest proposal to the NFLPA, the NFL removed the option for 35% of player salaries to be held in escrow and replaced it with a $40-million reduction in team salary caps and benefits for the 2020 season, NFL Network's Tom Pelissero reports.

The players' association, which is against the escrow proposal, also opposes such a hit to the 2020 cap and instead wants to spread the hit over multiple seasons, Pelissero adds.

If the two sides fail to reach a deal, the 2020 shortfall would be accounted for in 2021 and would result in a $50-to-$70-million drop in the salary cap per team, Pelissero reports.

The NFL and NFLPA have been embroiled in talks all week concerning health and safety protocols for a 2020 season that will be impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

The league is also proposing that any player can opt out of the season with written notice by Aug. 1.

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