Article 57Q0J Fake rawhide my puppy loves to chew and I don't have to worry

Fake rawhide my puppy loves to chew and I don't have to worry

Jason Weisberger
from on (#57Q0J)

These No-Hide chews have been popular with my most aggressive chewers and spare me some worry.

There are good and bad things about rawhide, and I have had two very aggressive chewers in my life. My dogs can vouch for the deliciousness of these No-Hide chews but are not a statistically significant sample of safety.

Electra, my golden retriever puppy, is always happy but she is MOST happy with something to chew in her mouth. These 'bones' are amongst her favorites.

My Great Pyr, when existent, was a real challenge. Nemo wanted something that took more than 2 seconds to monch apart, but my vet was very clear about no more real bones or plain rawhide. The real bones were breaking teeth out of my Cavalier King Charles head, and the rawhide was potentially causing digestive issues. These No-Hide chews could give Nemo 20 minutes or more. An eon of chewing for a 125lbs of pure fuzzy monster.

Both the Golden and the Pyr could destroy these chews in moments with their jaws of power, should they so choose, but they seem to not do that. Electra is running around with half of last nights bone in her mouth.

Earth Animal No Hide Beef Chews 7" (5 Pack) via Amazon

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