Article 58BSH k2k20 hackathon report: Martijn van Duren on snmp, agentx, and other progress

k2k20 hackathon report: Martijn van Duren on snmp, agentx, and other progress

from OpenBSD Journal on (#58BSH)

Thek2k20 hackathonconcluded recently, and we are please to havereceived a report from Martijn van Duren (martijn@):

I came to k2k20 on my motorcycle with my mask, a small backpack and astack of projects burning on my laptop to get pushed. After a long rideending on the lovely winding roads of the black forest I arrived atBurg Liebenzell slightly past noon, where I was greeted by a collectionof other OpenBSD developers who just came back from lunch. Afterchecking in and a quick lunch of my own I joined the rest in thehackroom where everything was set up in a wide circle giving every tableplenty of room for privilege separation^W^Wsocial distancing.


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