Paalanen: Developing Wayland Color Management and High Dynamic Range
Over on the Collabora blog, Pekka Paalanen writesabout adding color management and high dynamic range (HDR) support to theWayland display serverprotocol. X11 already has support for color management tools and workflow, but not HDR, andWayland currently doesn't support either, but Paalanen and others are workingto change that. "As color management is all about color spaces andgamuts, and high dynamic range (HDR) is also very much about color spacesand gamuts plus extended luminance range, Sebastian [Wick] and I decided thatWayland color management extension should cater for both from thebeginning. Combining traditional color management and HDR is a fairly newthing as far as I know, and I'm not sure we have much prior art to baseupon, so this is an interesting research journey as well. There is a lot ofprior art on HDR and color management separately, but they tend to havefundamental differences that makes the combination not obvious."