Security updates for Monday
Security updates have been issued by Debian (ca-certificates, flatpak, golang-1.7, golang-1.8, mupdf, pygments, and tiff), Fedora (containerd, golang-github-containerd-cri, mingw-gdk-pixbuf, mingw-glib2, mingw-jasper, mingw-python-jinja2, mingw-python-pillow, mingw-python3, python-django, python-pillow, and python2-pillow), Mageia (git, mediainfo, netty, python-django, and quartz), openSUSE (crmsh, git, glib2, kernel-firmware, openldap2, stunnel, and wpa_supplicant), Oracle (qemu), Red Hat (openvswitch2.11, openvswitch2.13, pki-core, rh-nodejs10-nodejs, rh-nodejs12-nodejs, rh-nodejs14-nodejs, and wpa_supplicant), Slackware (kernel), SUSE (apache2, crmsh, glib2, s390-tools, and slurm_20_11 and pdsh), and Ubuntu (python2.7, python3.7, python3.8).