Streaming the Possible Stream
Every weekday at noon my time^1, from now until the sketch editions are complete, I will be live-streaming the sketching.
I don't know how long each stream will run, so be sure to click follow" over at to get notified the moment my cameras go live.
You can view previous streams via this link, but they expire after fourteen days, so don't wait too long before clicking through.

The chatroom has been a friendly place, and you're welcome to join us. Ask me questions, even! I can absolutely talk while I draw^2.
^1 12:00 noon Mountain time. That's 2pm in New York City, 7pm in London, and 3am in Tokyo.
^2 It's exactly like talking while walking. Sometimes it's like talking while walking a familiar path. Sometimes it's like talking while walking in traffic. Yes, complications have arisen from this.