Article 5QD92 How to fix failure in setting bluetooth in Ubuntu 21

How to fix failure in setting bluetooth in Ubuntu 21

from on (#5QD92)
I have Ubuntu 21.04, I plugged a Bluetooth 4.0 Adapter Dongle. The dongle was visible to the system because Ubuntu had an active button for the Bluetooth. I checked the status of the Bluetooth and it seemed to be running:

sudo service bluetooth status
bluetooth.service - Bluetooth service
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service; enabled; vendor pre>
Active: active (running) since Mon 2021-09-27 09:54:30 CEST; 57min ago
Docs: man:bluetoothd(8)
Main PID: 1738 (bluetoothd)
Status: "Running"
Tasks: 1 (limit: 38312)
Memory: 1.8M
CGroup: /system.slice/bluetooth.service
1738 /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd

Sep 27 10:12:11 juggernaut bluetoothd[1738]: src/device.c:search_cb() E8:AB:FA:>
Sep 27 10:14:13 juggernaut bluetoothd[1738]: Pair device timed out for hci0
Sep 27 10:16:36 juggernaut bluetoothd[1738]: Pair device timed out for hci0
Sep 27 10:19:29 juggernaut bluetoothd[1738]: Pair device timed out for hci0
Sep 27 10:19:33 juggernaut bluetoothd[1738]: Failed to set mode: Failed (0x03)
Sep 27 10:19:35 juggernaut bluetoothd[1738]: Failed to set mode: Failed (0x03)
Sep 27 10:43:13 juggernaut bluetoothd[1738]: Pair device timed out for hci0
Sep 27 10:45:25 juggernaut bluetoothd[1738]: Failed to set mode: Failed (0x03)
Sep 27 10:45:35 juggernaut bluetoothd[1738]: Failed to set mode: Failed (0x03)
Sep 27 10:49:00 juggernaut bluetoothd[1738]: Failed to set mode: Failed (0x03)

However, even if the device I wanted to pair (an earphone) was visible, it could not be paired.
Since the Dongle was 4.0 and the earphone 5.0, I then bought a Dongle 5.0. Even in this case, there is an active button, `sudo service bluetooth status` gives stuff virtually identical to the one above, but not only I can't pair: no device is found to start with.
It might be that the Dongle I bought does not work with Linux, so I bought another that, on paper, should. In this case, there was NO active button: Ubuntu showed no Bluetooth at all (in the face of compatibility).

The bottom line is: how can I activate the Bluetooth on Ubuntu and how can I fix these errors without buying all the Dongles available on Amazon?

Thank youlatest?d=yIl2AUoC8zA latest?i=1sQ20mG7OXI:F0qHWUvNFek:F7zBnMy latest?i=1sQ20mG7OXI:F0qHWUvNFek:V_sGLiP latest?d=qj6IDK7rITs latest?i=1sQ20mG7OXI:F0qHWUvNFek:gIN9vFw1sQ20mG7OXI
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