working with mac variants in ns2
by Susmitha17 from on (#5SBSN)
I'm trying to simulate different MAC Protocols for a topology. I've done that for CSMA/CA with Mac/802_11. When I tried to simulate the same with CSMA and Slotted Aloha I got an error.
Code:invalid command name "mac/csma" while executing "mac/csma create _o23" invoked from within "catch"$classname create $o $args" msg" invoked from withi "if [catch "$classname create $o $args" msg] {if [string match "__failed_shadow_object_" $msg] {delete $o return ""}
global errorinfo error "class $..." {procedure "new" line 3) invoked from within "new $mactype" (procedure "_o18" line 10)(node/mobilenode add-interface line 10)invoked from within "$node add-interface $chan $propinstaance_ $lltype_ $mactype_ $ifqtype_ $ifqlen_ $phytype_ $anttype_ $topoinstance_ $innerrproc_ $outerprocc_ $fecproc_"(procedure "_o3" line83)(simulator create-wireless-node line 83)invoked fro within "_o3 create-wireless-node " ("eval" body line 1)invoked form within "eval $self create-wireless-node $args"(procedure "_o3" line 23)(simulator node line 23)invoked from within "$Ns node" invoked from within "et dest_node[$ns node]"(filr "cstrail.tcl" line 74)
Code:invalid command name "mac/csma" while executing "mac/csma create _o23" invoked from within "catch"$classname create $o $args" msg" invoked from withi "if [catch "$classname create $o $args" msg] {if [string match "__failed_shadow_object_" $msg] {delete $o return ""}
global errorinfo error "class $..." {procedure "new" line 3) invoked from within "new $mactype" (procedure "_o18" line 10)(node/mobilenode add-interface line 10)invoked from within "$node add-interface $chan $propinstaance_ $lltype_ $mactype_ $ifqtype_ $ifqlen_ $phytype_ $anttype_ $topoinstance_ $innerrproc_ $outerprocc_ $fecproc_"(procedure "_o3" line83)(simulator create-wireless-node line 83)invoked fro within "_o3 create-wireless-node " ("eval" body line 1)invoked form within "eval $self create-wireless-node $args"(procedure "_o3" line 23)(simulator node line 23)invoked from within "$Ns node" invoked from within "et dest_node[$ns node]"(filr "cstrail.tcl" line 74)