Digital detox: Going cold turkey with no wifi in the Lake District
After some early dismay, one family revels in a break from the online world at a remote Lake District cottage
15 more back-to-basics stays for a digital detox
The question comes almost as soon as we step inside the remote cottage in the western Lake District: Where's the telly?" The door of the holiday cottage in Eskdale opens straight into the tiny lounge, and in the space where the TV should be there's only a simple fireplace, a wooden bookcase stuffed with maps and nature books, and a couple of high-backed armchairs.
Well, can we go on the iPad then?" is the next request. Then, when they're informed that no, we didn't bring it, comes, Can I go on your phone?" There is a look of confused disbelief on my children's faces when I explain that there's no internet, no computer, not even a phone signal, and that, in fact, we're not going to be looking at screens of any sort for our entire week-long stay.
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