A Fun Interactive DIY Music Box That Can Be Used to Create Note-by-Note Songs
Front-end developer Bryan Braun created a really fun, interactive DIY Music Box that creates songs in the same manner as vintage hand-cranked music boxes.
The user is presented with a blank sheet upon which they can write a note-by-note song. The music can be written in 15 notes (two octaves of the C Major scale), 20 notes (two and a half octaves of the C Major scale), or 30 notes (non-consecutive collection of notes). The tempo is fully adjustable as well.
The idea behind this clever site is to allow users to create their own music.
A DIY music box" is a type of music box that allows you to create and play your own custom songs. The DIY" stands for do it yourself" because creating songs is a hands-on process.
Several people have recreated songs from music, television, films, and video games.
Subwoofer (Minecraft), on a music boxhttps://t.co/09hwUTntt9
- Bryan Braun (@BryanEBraun) January 21, 2022
- Tr??ng Nguy?n (@Trng15022608) July 13, 2021
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
Music box version#Queen #BohemianRhapsody #musicbox