Security updates for Monday
Security updates have been issued by Debian (chromium, containerd, cyrus-sasl2, expat, firefox-esr, freecad, kernel, and tiff), Fedora (seamonkey, swtpm, and webkit2gtk3), Mageia (docker-containerd, firefox, flac, libtiff, libxml2, and mc), openSUSE (containerd, expat, flatpak, gnutls, go1.16, go1.17, libeconf, shadow and util-linux, mariadb, nodejs14, perl-App-cpanminus, vim, wireshark, wpa_supplicant, and zsh), SUSE (containerd, expat, flatpak, gnutls, go1.16, go1.17, java-11-openjdk, kernel-firmware, libeconf, shadow and util-linux, libxml2, mariadb, nodejs14, python-Twisted, vim, wireshark, wpa_supplicant, and zsh), and Ubuntu (firefox, openjdk-lts, openjdk-17, and php8.0).