[$] trusted_for() bounces off the merge window
When last we looked in on the proposedtrusted_for() system call, which would allow user-space interpretersand other tools to ask the kernel whether a file is "trusted" for execution, itlooked like it was on-track for the mainline. That was back inOctober 2020; the patch has been updated multiple times since then,made its way into linux-next, and a pullrequest was made by Mickael Salaun for the 5.18 merge window. Butit seems that there will be more to the story of getting this functionalityinto the kernel, as Linus Torvalds declined to pull trusted_for(),at least partly because he did not like the name, but there were otherreasons as well. While he is not opposedto the functionality it would provide, he also had strong feelings that anew system callwas not the right approach.