Early people do not think highly of late people like me. Why are they so unforgiving? | Ashe Davenport
I masquerade as an on time' person to keep jobs and pay rent, but it's not what's in my heart
My grade one does not like being late. It sets her in a state of panic that renders her in slow motion. It's like watching someone try to run from an axe murderer when their legs aren't working. I'm late, I'm late, I'm late," she'll mutter helplessly; the White Rabbit's much slower aunt, her lunchbox somehow the wrong shape for her bag. My prep is also late to the car, though they do not appear trapped in a mind maze of worry. They simply do not want to go to school. They will sit in shoeless protest in the bedroom, hallway and driveway to illustrate the point.
I am a late person, or at least not an early person. I get dates wrong and oversleep and consequently miss the train. I masquerade as an on time" person to keep jobs and pay rent, but it's not what's in my heart.
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